Pay Stub Abbreviations are the abbreviations that you come across on any pay stub. Payroll companies abbreviate the information that is printed on your pay stub to reduce it and make it easier for them to fit a lot of information on a single sheet of paper. Some payroll companies use their own set of… [Click to Continue Reading…]
What is Semi Monthly Pay? Pros & Cons
Semi monthly pay is a schedule of regular payments, twice a month, on specified days. Typically on the 1st and 15th of the month. You would get paid 2 times per month for work or services performed. Since there are 12 months in a year, that would make 24 semi-monthly pay periods. According to US… [Click to Continue Reading…]
What is a Pay Period? Everything You Need to Know
A pay period is a time frame in which you receive your earnings from a company. Pay periods are used by businesses of all sizes to manage their accounting for payroll. If you have pay stubs, your pay period will be on your pay stubs. There are several pay periods businesses will choose based on their… [Click to Continue Reading…]
What is Biweekly Pay? Pros & Cons
Biweekly pay refers to a system of paying employees’ salaries every two weeks. For example, someone may get paid every other Friday. The Biweekly pay schedule typically ends up being about twice a month interval, which translates to 26 paychecks per year. The name “biweekly” evokes the image of a person working every two weeks. Biweekly pay… [Click to Continue Reading…]